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The Energy of Your Thoughts 

By Ahmad Elayan

Many people don't even care what they're thinking about, and that's why it's a fact that most of what we're thinking about is nagative, which will make us upset sometimes, and that's all about your mind and how you think


    The way you think could definelty change your whole life, think about it, there's nothing you do without thinking even when your sleeping. Ever heard of the saying, watch your thoughts they become words, and watch your words they become actions, and by the end of this quote Tao Tzu said "it become your desitney." notice he first started with the thoughts and ends up with destiny.


Many people don't even care what they're thinking about, and that's why it's a fact that most of what we're thinking about is nagative, which will make us upset sometimes, and that's all about your mind and how you think. When you think of something really good that happend to you, you'll autmaticly get happy.


For example think of something you're really happy about such as, a high grade, a gold medial, a nice speech, etc, think about this for a 10 seconds and you'll notice yourself smiling.


The way you think could eaccully change you physical, and not only that it could accually kill you, now you migh be a little bit suprised there but trust me it's that improtant, and read this true story to belive.


In the world war ll, there were three germen genaralls, these generalls didn't follow the rules somehow which made the leader upset, and guss who was the leader? it was Hitler back then

so our friend Hitler wantend to make them feel bad, he didn't want to kill any of them, bacuse they were helping the counrty and they were good generalls.


Hitler spoke to some psychologists, the "smart" psychologists told Hitler to put these three genralls in a three separate rooms and tell them that they'll die in less than three hours because of the oxygen. And that was a lie they lied to make these genralls feel gelty and be good after they get out, that was the plan.


After three hours they opend the doors and suprsily two of these generalls were died and the third one eventually died, so they all died! but why? wasn't it all a lie and they just wanted to make feel bad?


Well that's the energy of thoughts again, what happend there is these three genrealls thought that they're going to die, and they belived in what they were thinking, and it somehow became true.


My inclousion is when you think of something and belive in what you're thinking it will happen, If you think you're good at something and you're not, it will be true. for example if I think and belive that this article is good and usefull it'll become true somehow, so think postive of yourself and have a good convesation with yourself.



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